Advice Stripping Advice The first step to restoring doors and furniture is the stripping process. It is well known to be the most difficult part of the task.
Lead in Paint Most older doors and furniture will still have lead based paint still applied. This should not normally affect adults provided protective clothing and gloves are worn and the area being stripped is well ventilated. It could pose as a threat to children and this type of work is always best carried out when the kids are not around.
Call us for advice on products and best methods!
Finishing AdviceWaxing is most commenly used on pine doors and furniture. The best product is "Bri wax" which can be bought from us or any good DIY stockist. Varnish or paint is best for hardwoods as wax doesn't absorb in these types of wood. Try to avoid putting water based paints and stains on wood as these prove difficult to remove even for the experts. The stripping back of any item always makes for a much better finish.
Metal Always use hammerite as a base coat for any metalwork thats going to be exposed to the elements.Any item which can be removed should be sent to the specialists.
Please feel free to call us for advice on 07961 984 116 . Lines open for enquires 9am to 9pm 7 days a week!